East Coast, Lists

Fabulous Friday Links

Oh, my friends it is Friday again.  The weeks are going by s fast I cannot seem to pause and marvel at the things around me.  Maybe this weekend I’ll pause and enjoy the fact that I’m living in the Capital of the United States of America.  Maybe, Alex and I will venture outside of our basement apartment for more than just food and school.  On Monday I start my practice teaching.  I’m scared and nervous   I’m doubting myself and my choices.  I’m trying to convince myself that it’ll all work out and that it’ll be wonderful once I’m surrounded by three to six year old children.
Happy Friday Folks!
  1. This chili sounds divine.  Now to convince Alex to have chili without meat!
  2. SOME interesting food for thought.  Is quinoa worth the cost?
  3. I think when Mama and Zoey are with us again I’m going to make THESE.
  4. I’m hoping that when we move this summer from DC that we go somewhere where I can do THIS.
  5. I ant to try and make THIS soup.
  6. I’ve been dreaming of Sangria.  I think Alex and I should try THIS recipe or maybe one of  THESE.
  7. I think I need to get THIS for my camera.  I mean it does contain my name!
  8. I need to get THESE plants, since I seem to have a black thumb.
  9. THESE sound amazing!  Too bad we are in full blown dieting mode.
  10. I’m not sure how I feel about THIS.  It disturbs me, but it’s not bad.

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